Global Startup News.

A pulse on global innovation.

Constantin Scholz Constantin Scholz Digital garment design to minimise production waste

Founded in 2020 by Anna Franziska Michel, an experienced fashion designer, artist and IT scientist, is disrupting the fashion sector with its software that creates infinite designs digitally without the production of physical garments, therefore saving corporate resources and allowing companies to minimise production waste.

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Constantin Scholz Constantin Scholz

Wasteless: Supermarket item markdown based on expiration dates

Founded by Yossi Regev and Oded Omer in 2016, Wasteless helps supermarkets and online grocery stores to recapture the full value of their perishable products and cut their food waste by utilizing its AI-powered markdown optimization solution, pricing items based on their expiration date and perishability.

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Constantin Scholz Constantin Scholz

microTERRA: Cultivating algae in wastewater and utilising it as pet food

The fertilizer runoff from agriculture and animal manure are the two leading causes of water pollution. This causes excessive nutrients to end up in the waterways and directly impacts people's health, food and water security and biodiversity. To combat the problem, sustainable and scalable agriculture methods need to be employed.

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Constantin Scholz Constantin Scholz

LIA: Flushable and biodegradable pregnancy test

Founded by Bethany Edwards and Anna Couturier, LIA Diagnostics is the first and only #flushable and biodegradable #pregnancy #test that is 99% accurate, has 0% plastic and will provide anyone taking the test total privacy.

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Constantin Scholz Constantin Scholz

Woola: Replacing bubble wrap with sheep wool alternatives

Founders Anna-Liisa Palatu and Jevgeni Širai are on a mission to combat e-commerce #plastic #waste in the online shopping industry with their company Woola. Using leftover sheep wool (which would otherwise go to waste), they have developed fully #compostable packaging alternatives to traditional bubble wrap and plastic envelopes.

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