Woola: Replacing bubble wrap with sheep wool alternatives


Founders Anna-Liisa Palatu and Jevgeni Širai are on a mission to combat e-commerce #plastic #waste in the online shopping industry with their company Woola. 

Using leftover sheep wool (which would otherwise go to waste), they have developed fully #compostable packaging alternatives to traditional bubble wrap and plastic envelopes. 

"Naturally high-tech", wool also possesses beneficial qualities for #parcel protection. Its natural elasticity, water repellence, and resistance to temperature extremes make wool a perfect #material for packing fragile items. 

Woola is part of the Climate-KIC the EU's main climate innovation initiative transitioning towards a zero-carbon economy. Climate-KIC advisors include Anders Wijkman, Mafalda Duarte and Harini Nagendra.

Find out more about Woola:



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