Vigti: Making pipelines saver by preventing gas leakages with AI


Vigti is an award-winning and #patented early #detection #software that helps operations managers at #gas distribution companies save lives and address the $8 billion in annual losses by identifying and localizing anomalies such as #leakages and pipeline bursts which currently go undetected for months, using #machine #learning and #AI-based #algorithms.

Worldwide, there are over 4 million km of gas pipelines, out of which 80% are #gas distribution pipelines prone to #leaks, leading to catastrophes if left unchecked. The existing manual surveillance techniques used by utility companies are not proactive and sufficient to detect leaks. This is a problem that the CEO and founder Ishaan Gupta is trying to address with Vigti.

Vigti envisions a world where pipeline transportation of gas and other fluids is smooth without any #leakages that result in resource loss, #harmful #catastrophes and #environmental issues. Undetected leaks in global pipeline networks currently cost utility companies over $200 million a year just on pipeline surveillance. Further, gas leaks are environmentally harmful and contribute to global warming. The startup is advised by Justin Dauwels & Abhisek Ukil.

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