Global Startup News.
A pulse on global innovation.
Ryp LABS: Keeping fruit fresh longer
The UN estimates that over $2.6 trillion worth of food goes to #waste per year, which equates to a staggering 50% of all food produced.
Greencovery: Recovering organic acids and amino acids from side stream waste
Food production creates large amounts of waste during the manufacturing process, known as by-products or side streams. Upcycling the waste can help make use of the otherwise discarded ingredients and thereby reduce the CO2 footprint of the factories and help create more sustainable food products.
Aleph Farms: Lab-grown steaks from non-genetically engineered cells
Founded in 2017 by Didier Toubia and Shulamit Levenberg, Aleph Farms is a foodtech company that operates in the sustainable food ecosystem by cultivating real steak directly from the natural cells of cows.