Embryo Ventures

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SATIM: Satellite imaging through clouds and at night

At any given moment, only about 25% of the Earth’s surface is visible with traditional #satellite #imaging techniques. Using satellite-based radar imaging, high-quality images can be taken during the day, in cloudy conditions and even at night. 

SATIM has developed automated tools to analyse SAR images, taking a previously time-consuming task where one satellite image could take up to one week to be processed and bringing down the time to a matter of minutes. Real-time analytics can help stakeholders make better decisions without having to rely on #SAR experts. The venture is managed by Jacek Strzelczyk (CEO) and by Stanisława Porzycka-Strzelczyk (CTO) and has an office in Kraków, Poland and California, USA and partnered with satellite operator ICEYE.

The technology is versatile, and applications range from tracking post-mining land deformations, detecting objects such as large cargo ships and buildings to implementation for military applications.

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