Embryo Ventures

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UroSense: Reducing the risk of catheter infections

Founded by Manoj Murali, Shawn Navarednam, Regwaan Choudhury and Federico Fries, UroSense is a medtech startup that is looking to redesign the current Foley catheter, a device that has lacked innovation for over 80 years. The founding team believes that it is time for a new take on the Foley catheter in order to prevent patients from catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI), which is one of the most painful yet common types of infection a person can contract in the hospital, according to the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses.

20% of patients need a urinary catheter, and this can cause urethral trauma, bladder injuries, and catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI), all of which cost the NHS £100m annually and 2000 preventable deaths in the UK.

Their data and experimental driven approach is aimed towards reducing catheter infection rates worldwide, in turn reducing antibiotics costs. Starting from a deep understanding of the problem, the team has been able to change key factors on catheters to address current issues by redesigned the balloon, tip and tube to increase comfort, avoid injuries and stop bacterial build-up.

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