Embryo Ventures

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SaltyCo: How the fashion industry can save freshwater

It takes 20,000 litres of freshwater to make 1kg of cotton, translating to around 2,700 litres to make just one cotton t-shirt. The #fashion industry has come under fire for its #cotton intensive farming, subsequently placing them as the second most # water-intensive industry globally.

Julian Ellis-Brown, Finlay Duncan and Antonia Jara-Contreras, founders of SaltyCo have found a way to tackle this #overconsumption of #freshwater, using fabrics from salt-tolerant plants grown in #seawater.

A fibre fill suitable for apparel (amongst other applications) has already been created using the salt-tolerant plant. There are now two other textile products in development, including a woven fabric and a non-woven fabric.

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