Embryo Ventures

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SafetyNet Technologies: Reduces bycatch and allows selective fishing

Daniel Watson and SafetyNet Technologies are on a mission to improve the #sustainability of fishing by reducing bycatch.

Every year billions of fish are caught unintentionally as regular fishing gear does not allow fisherman to target only specific species. These unwanted fish get discarded, causing depletion of the oceans, harm to endangered species and a financial loss of about £1.4 billion per year. 

Pisces is a device that attaches to fishing gears (e.g. nets, trawls) and emits different types of light underwater. Different species are affected by the light in various ways - some get repelled while others are attracted. 

The ability to be selective allows fishermen to only catch certain species according to their goals and increase revenue. It can also improve fish stock and help protect endangered species. Research has shown success with Pisces for species like haddock, flatfish, crabs and turtles. It has proven to decrease bycatch by up to 90% while not affecting the target catch.

The demand for fish is estimated to increase by up to 70% in the next 30 years. The use of intelligent technologies like Pisces can help ensure the fishing industry's viability while also protecting the #oceans and marine biodiversity. 

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