Embryo Ventures

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MeliBio: Honey production without Bees

Founded in 2020 by Aaron M. Schaller and Darko Mandich, MeliBio, Inc. is developing a proprietary technology based on synthetic biology, precision fermentation, and plant science that replaces honeybees as a medium for honey production, therefore saving bees and producing honey.

Extensive research shows that honey production in its current form is damaging to bees and their ecosystems, especially to the 20,000 wild and native bee species that endure immense pressure from commercial beekeeping. The global honey market in 2020 was valued at $9 billion. Today, the industry solely relies on honeybees and faces many issues related to sustainability and its negative impact on bee biodiversity.

By harnessing the science of microbiology, MeliBio honey matches and improves upon the molecular composition of bee-made honey. This bee-free honey is the latest #animal-free food to come from precision fermentation and is considered #vegan. Initially, the startup is aiming to launch in late 2021, with plans to supply food service companies with its bee-free honey as an ingredient.

To find out more, visit- www.melibio.com