FYTO: Food for dairy cows and hens


Improving food production processes to increase sustainability and reduce the environmental impact from the meat and dairy industries is of utmost importance to meet the ever-increasing demand for food in an environmentally conscious way.

Founded by Jason Prapas, FYTO, Inc has developed technology to produce animal feed and other agricultural products more sustainably. The process begins by using manure wastewater to cultivate protein-rich aquatic plants in an automated way. The nutrient-dense crops can then be used as either animal feed, a source of plant-protein biofertilizers, or to improve soil characteristics. The technology to produce animal feed is currently piloting in both the US and Asia with dairy cows and egg-laying hens.

The multi-purpose technology helps close the agriculture production life-cycle by upcycling up to 75% of the wastewater, reducing the need for imported products and the number of resources spent.

Learn more about FYTO by visiting fyto.us


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