Embryo Ventures

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BioMilk: Sustainable production of high-value dairy products

As the consumption of dairy products is on an upward trend, sustainable and environmentally low impact production of #milk that fulfils similar nutritional needs is essential.

Biomilk, the Israel-based company, which was founded by Maggie Levy and Dr Nurit Argov-Argaman, is the only cultured milk company that has reached the product development stage. Thus far, it has developed technology to isolate mammary cells, which are milk-producing, culture them in bioreactors and gather the secreted milk. The goal of BioMilk is to replace cow's milk and to make different kinds of dairy products.

Cultured milk helps to reduce strain on the environment created by the dairy industry, which uses up a lot of land, water and is responsible for 37% of all methane emissions.

In addition to cultured animal milk, #BioMilk also cultures #human #breast #milk and human milk oligosaccharides (HMO), which are sugars present in breast milk. Research has shown that synthetic HMOs can mimic the health benefits of human breast milk and aid in strengthening the immune system of a newborn baby during the first six months. This technology would be invaluable to parents who can't breastfeed but also don't want to use formula, which uses non-human proteins.

Read more: https://www.biomilk.com/.