Embryo Ventures

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Aleph Farms: Lab-grown steaks from non-genetically engineered cells

Founded in 2017 by Didier Toubia and Shulamit Levenberg, Aleph Farms is a foodtech company that operates in the sustainable food ecosystem by cultivating real steak directly from the natural cells of cows.

The startup is paving a new way forward in the globally sustainable food ecosystem, working to grow beef steaks from non-genetically engineered cells, isolated from a cow, using a fraction of the resources required for raising an entire animal for #meat, and without #antibiotics.

Aleph Farms was co-founded with The Kitchen Hub of the Strauss Group and with Professor Shulamit Levenberg, former Dean of the Biomedical Engineering faculty of the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology. The company is backed by some of the world’s most innovative food producers, such as Cargill and Migros, and has received recognition for its contribution to the global sustainability movement from the World Economic Forum and UNESCO.

The Israel-based company grabbed headlines in October 2019 when it became the first company to produce meat in a 3D bioprinting experiment on the International Space Station, collaborating with Finless Foods, Russia-based 3D Bioprinting Solutions and others.

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